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7000smz-2 Vibrotome

  • Includes a z-axis calibration unit

  • Z-axis blade adjust minimizer

  • Blade holder angle to user requirement

  • Set start and stop position from blade travel.

  • Vibration speeds from 50 to 120 Hz

  • Amplitudes from 0.5mm to 2.5mm

  • Controlled blade advance at 10microns per sec

  • Manual or automatic operation

  • "Auto" programming by storage of the first slicing

  • Ice water bath easily removed for cleaning

  • Optional LED light and scope for clear observation


Our top of the range high precision, vibrating microtome (vibrotome for short), this is the finest tissue slicer on the market for preparations for visual patch clamping or high resolution imaging. The 7000smz series vibrotome has been the instrument of choice for many labs for 10 years - over 450 labs and counting!


Using our vibrotomes, research detailing sectioning for visual patching of neurological tissue, heart, lung, and tissue scaffolds have all been published. The 7000smz-2 vibrotome represents significant advances with higher precision at a lower cost.


The vibrating mechanism of the 7000smz-2 vibrotome delivers unprecedented accuracy with nearly silent operation. Every machine is tested before dispatch by our in-house measurement devices and each machine is supplied with its own z-axis calibration checker.


The effect of excessive Z-axis deflection on the health and viability of the tissue preparation has been much discussed since the publication of Geiger et al (2003) and the Campden 7000smz-2 tissue slicer, with ≤ 1µm Z-axis deflection across a wide range of vibration speeds and amplitudes, delivers healthy viable sections every time.


The user interface is easy and versatile (with no foot switch unlike previous models) and offers simple operation at the push of a button or a range of changeable parameters for the expert user. The Campden 7000smz-2 also provides longevity of performance, as not only does the slicer give ≤ 1 µm performance out of the box, but the advance vibrating mechanism does not contain bearings and other elements subject to wear. Thus it will retain the ≤ 1 µm z-ad performance for years to come, giving you consistency in your biological preparation, without the need for expensive servicing.


Holding the tissue close to 4° C must continue throughout the slicing procedure. This can be done with passive cooling where a known amount of ice is used to maintain the cooled aCSF or with an electronically controlled thermo-electric Tissue Bath Cooler (7610A).


We have developed both ceramic and stainless steel vibrotome blades, alongside the machine, so that the grinding and honing facets for the blade edge are matched to the blade downward angle of orientation to the tissue. The ceramic blades have a particular advantage when slicing brain tissue older than 30 days. These ceramic vibrotome blades also have a second advantage in that unlike stainless blades, these do not have to be replaced after each tissue sample.


Other options include an LED cold light and magnifier or scope for clear observation whilst slicing.

Further Information

Common Accessories

Common Accessories



Integrally Mounted Cold Light Source

To facilitate the careful slicing operation, it is most important that the progress of the blade through the tissue be clearly observed. This observation is used to ensure control of the speed of advance and of the oscillation of the blade. Two elements are required for clear observation, light and magnification.



Integrally Mounted Magnifying Glass

For general global slices a magnifying glass offering approx 2x magnification is sufficient. However, if specific loci are under study then an inspection microscope is desirable. The binocular inspection microscope with 10x-40x magnification, a zoom of 1x-4x and a working distance of 80mm is ideal for the task.



Tissue Slice Recovery Chamber

The 7470 chamber was designed to hold and maintain tissue slices in six sub-chambers at physiological temperatures with an aeration supply to allow recovery from slicing as well as incubation during the experimental day (10-12 hrs).

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Our laboratory uses both animal and human tissue in acute and organotypic culture brain slice experiments. We have two 7000smz-2 vibrotomes in daily use which form the backbone of our slice preparations – the reliability and repeatability provided by the slicer’s Z-axis stability and calibration mechanism means that our preparations get off to the best possible start. The 7000smz-2 produces the highest quality brain slices of any vibrotome I have used, allowing us to generate in vivo-like oscillations in slice preparations. On top of this the service and support from Campden has been second to none.

Stuart Greenhill, PhD,

Aston University

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